Daily Practise

I am well acquainted with one of the many formulae of genius, there is a theory that any reasonably intelligent person will reach 'genius' status just through the amount of hours they dedicate themselves to the acquisition of a skill or knowledge.  I have used this theory to try and cajole myself to partake in daily practise: you know the kind of things: yoga, running, writing etc etc. I have tried and failed. Yet, I do not fail at daily practise, I can eat, sleep, urinate and defecate with daily precision, even so I am still not a genius nor skilled at the ablutions I manage to do daily. 

Over the years I have persuaded myself into 'little and often'- that is the most I have managed to achieve: I often run, little. I write little, often and I continue to do little yoga, frequently. Little and often is the way to go, I reassure myself. With this in mind, I have begun to publish the silly, little thoughts I have as I go about my day.  Before, they were my own private imaginations that were ridiculous and fleeting and very much to distract myself from daily monotony, but I am beginning to view them more as an artistic practise, possibly because I am bored or is it because my middle-aged  ego has no hold? I am probably getting ahead of myself, but with this in mind here are some tiny fictions. 

'Often when I dress, I dream about looking cool. But the outcome is always the same- once a nerd always a nerd. I have been taught to do as I should, nothing more or less, but I do like Freespirits. They look like they are having fun. Fiasco said: 'Freedom ain't free...' and I tend to share his point of view.'

It wasn't quite the scene she was expecting. Plastic burns slowly. The flames that licked over the jacket were limp and languid. 'Fuck it,' she growled, as she threw the jacket down the waste disposal chute. She hoped, and  waited for the combustion she needed.

4 days of work. 3 days to recuperate. The circle rolls on. 'Round about endlessly. Waiting for a circuit break or a lightbulb moment. Dropped scones & coffee break the monotony....

Just before bedtime. Goodnight. Dream of the unique word combination, that someone, somewhere said exists. Everybody wishes to leave a legacy. Not one wants to live unnoticed. Or found weeks after death, alone. 

Good morning, another weekend. A full stop in the sentence of my weak. I will run, I will right and play silly games with definitions. And I will chuckle to myself - as people look on, wondering if I am awear. 

How much can you convey in under one hundred words? Follow on instagram @roseytintz for sometimes frequent #tinyfictions


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