Cleaning and stuff.... will I ever get the courage for certain areas in the house.


2 days before Bruce’s birthday, 7 days after I was informed I would not be working at school during the Lock Down.  The weather, after being sunny enough to provide us with hope, has taken a turn towards the bog standard grey that we enjoy here in the North of England.

Today, I woke up and tried to avoid the normal routine of checking up on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Today, I reached for a book (and of course made sure I documented that fact over on social media). The book I am attempting to read is called 'Inequality' by Anthony B Atkinson, and if I am entirely honest I am punching above my weight.  It reminds me of how I used to read books as a child, stopping periodically to research the meaning of a word or a phrase, the difference being that I am looking up jargon associated with the study of economics not words that my free Collins dictionary from The Midland bank would contain.  I did my best to encourage my youngest child, to read – reading is not second nature for him, as a dyslexic any reading skill he has acquired has been fought for by tooth and nail.

I have no desire to leave the house today, just as well as it is not encouraged these days.  Once a day for essential shopping or for exercise is recommended;  with a heavy dose of damnation if you mill too longingly out in the sun, or seem to be having too much fun enjoying the signs of spring.  Today’s weather has put paid to any fun and shenanigans that could be had and I am sure those reiterating the cry ‘stay at home’ are glad that their prayers have been answered and yes anything to slow down this viral blight. I think there are two types of people: those for whom ‘staying at home’ is not a hardship. I think they may be the type that shriek when their toes accidentally dip in mud or a wasp flies in their vicinity; the other type who struggle to ‘stay in’ even when their bodies are wracked with a cold or dare I say, at this present time, a virus. Yes, it is unusual that I have no desire to leave the house.

This week I spent considerable hours trying to tidy and to make this house cleaner and tidier than it has been; of course I am not trying to exceed current expected standards, only trying to reach the standards of ordinary folk.  Even though I have put considerable effort into cleaning and tidying I still cannot find the gumption to face the bedrooms belonging to the eldest or indeed the youngest.  I reassure myself that we have weeks ahead, there is time to summon courage.


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