Am I an extrovert or introvert

Facebook unites us, sometimes... at least it gets us in the same room to disagree. My sister told her  timeline that she had decided that she was not an introvert. She related this to the fact that she was missing her place of work.  My brother and I agreed (for once) that if we could, we would retire in a flash. I wasn't quite sure whether my love or want to work for the rest of my living days related to my status as introvert or an extrovert. And I was reluctant to pick up on an 'overworked' issue but this is 'lockdown' and I am not sure that I could pinpoint an issue of interest if I fell over it - but it got me thinking: where do I lie on the whole introvert/extrovert scale?

Apparently, extroverts get energised by the company of others. Well let's see? People wear me out.  Don't get me wrong I love 'em -but god blimey aren't they tiring?  I mean, take my husband, he always wants answering when he says something and on occasion he wants affection. Same with the kids. Affection I ask you? Who's got the time for such a thing? 

Apparently ,extroverts love to talk. I must be top-end extrovert because I bloody love to talk, or is that I love to rant. Isn't that the same thing? Wind me up, watch me go! Sometimes (so I have been told) it is entertaining. Come on, who doesn't love a good ole rant? Except those who really hate the sound of other people's moaning.  Ridiculous point of view that and I guarantee one not held by The Daily Mail's readership.

Apparently, extroverts love to be centre of attention. This is hard, I am not so sure about this one. I swing between experiencing an ego hard-on if I make people laugh (the three people who find me funny have now buggered off muttering inexplicable things about me under their breath) to being like the terrifying Frank  from the film Blue Velvet. I mean be careful if you catch my eye...don't you look at me... don't you... look at me..

Apparently, extroverts feel isolated if they spend too much time alone. Nope. Cannot relate. Have you heard my banter? It was once described as 'average' but who ever that was is wrong. My conversations are nothing if not scintillating, even when I disagree, I do it with good humour. My inner voice and I are just fine, actually. 

Apparently, extroverts look to others and outside sources for inspiration. I am pretty sure that introverts do not ever spend hours looking through Instagram for their inspiration? I must be hella extrovert. because boy do I scroll! OK, mostly I just look, too timid to drop a 'like' incase one of those pictures 'talks back'.

Apparently, extroverts like to talk about thoughts and feelings. I am here aren't I? I am giving thoughts and occasionally I chuck you a feeling. What more can you ask of me? Does it matter if we don't know my 'default' position? Or that I left therapy a little too early? 

Well let's wrap this up eh? We have all much better things to do with our 'lockdown' time than discover if I am introvert or extrovert. Perhaps you have your own amateur psychoanalyses to do because I am pretty sure I read an article that said only strongly extroverted people miss social interaction during 'lockdown' and the rest of us are too busy finding cat memes. Perhaps, on reflection I got this all wrong and I should have been looking towards *Hare for my scale.  The ones who are really in the know are the ones who live with me and right now they are all busy trying to keep me on the right side, buttered up. On reflection, I have no idea if I am an Introvert or extrovert or just anti-social.

*Robert D Hare developed a checklist for psychopathy


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