Jason Statham quotes us through our current Corona Virus crisis using The Meg.

Yesterday was not a good one for our youngest. The enormity of staying in and being so far from what he considers his normal life was all a bit too much. So today, I thought we'd take it easy. After some essential shopping where I managed to slip in a Doctor Who toy as an early Easter present, we made dinner and he dried the dishes. Any parent of a 10 year old will understand the significant weight behind the latter part of that sentence, however this is not the subject for today, but he dried up...

My son has had quite a few 'special interests' over the years, some that I have become particularly attached to, I am reluctant to say encouraged - but who doesn't like a bit of topless Jason Statham. No, silly he isn't interested in Jason per se but sharks, which of course leads us seamlessly to The Meg. A rather silly but somewhat wonderful romp involving ridiculous but likeable characters in their discovery, rousing and pissing off of the over-grown prehistoric shark, known as the Megalodon.  So we settled down to watch, accompanied by popcorn.

Half way through the film I couldn't help but notice that Jason had a real handle on his situation (almost like it was scripted) and a sneaky feeling he'd know what to make of our current situation, it is like he knows exactly the things to say and he pretty much covers all perspectives.

'Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...'  Jason proves that he is not just a pretty face (body), Jason is deep, meta even, as he reiterates our hourly chant as we go through our Corona virus daily emotions: elation, boredom, fear, have we washed our hands, enough, anger (people are knobs), living my best life, living my worst life, this ain't so bad, this is shit, where am I? What day is it?

'Chew on this you ugly bastard.'  The thoughts running through our heads when people pass to close to us on our essential shopping trips or those who insist on walking/running/riding two abreast as you throw yourself into bushes to avoid....

'Meg (Corona Virus) versus man isn't a fight... it's a slaughter'. The anxiety you are left with after telling yourself not to look up the daily death toll but you...Just. Can't. Help. Your. Self.

'Remind me again, why is this a good idea?'

'What? it's a shark cage.'

'Plastic shark cage'. The philosophical battle that lies within, after reading many articles by experts: some claiming masks do zilch and others claiming they are front line in preventing infection. And now shit, there are no more bloody masks to be had and damned if I am sewing one, although that gingham one is sooo chic.

'You drink too much'.  No shit Sherlock, there's a deadly virus out there!
'You always have a beer in your hand. You know why?'  Because I'm scared shitless and I want to numb my feelings?

'. . . Because I drink too much?'

'What you said before, you were right. It's not about the people you lose. It's about the people you save. Signing off.'  Bloody Hell Jason, not the whole weak and old verses the strong and young?  I did not take you for having this view point... I am not entirely sure that's what I said. I am not entirely sure that's what I believe... but Jason you go boy, go save the world!


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