Rachet school

Ratchet School.

Rachet meaning: 6
Classist way of calling someone brash and ignorant. 

School officially closed for us on the 20th of March. As soon as I heard the news we, as a family,  had a week off. You see, I figured we all had a lot of things to get used to.  My school, my place of work has had a pragmatic, well organised and thorough approach to their role during this current crisis and as I live with someone who is higher risk, I had to come to terms with (I still haven't) not being able to attend school. I am planning (see I do take my own advice!) on talking more on this another time, not that you need it, but you see this is all about me, and I need therapy.

That week off was calm. I am looking back on it now, fondly. I caught up with house work that I hadn't completed in a long time. I mean my hallway finally got a mopping, and a few windowsills were less blackened once the week was past. I had a list of jobs to do and every day I did one, and I allowed the kids freedom to watch too much YouTube, and we took advantage of the sun and socially distanced walked and saw toads, and it was all, dare I say it, kinda nice.

But after such an idyllic start to 'lockdown' the weekend grew grey and my mood followed. As nice as this all was I knew that if I did not take control, the youngest child would morph into a fortnite character and my teenagers would become glued to their beds.  So Rachet school was born.  We promised ourselves an hour of literacy and an hour of maths. Rachet, because its me, and even though I have the best intentions it always comes out, well a bit Rachet.

The whinging that accompanies Rachet school, is possibly the equivalent of the punch line to the joke... 'How do you make a 'hormone'?'*  but you know, me and Mr Basement are resilient... and we keep going even if our audience is not appreciative.. it is easier for him. I am not used to 'dying' on stage, in my 'real' job kids find me hilarious. Otherwise they feel my wrath. I guess we are trying, I am nothing if not trying.

*Don't pay her


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